151CONFLICTEDMessage Heard
152Dan Snow's History HitHistory Hit Network
153Do Go OnDo Go On Media
154Don't Drink the Milk – The curious history of thingsDW
155Dynamite DougProject Brazen
156EmpireGoalhanger Podcasts
157Gone MedievalHistory Hit
158History DailyNoiser
159History Extra podcastImmediate Media
160History of Philosophy Without Any GapsPeter Adamson
161History's Greatest Conspiracy TheoriesHistory Extra
162Hollywood ExilesBBC
163If Nixon StayedRichard Nixon Foundation and Foundwave
164LegacyWondery, Goalhanger
165Mag HagsFranki Cookney & Lucy Douglas
166Military History PlusSpencer Jones & Gary Sheffield
167My Victorian NightmareGenevieve Manion
169Never Mind The DambustersJane Gulliford Lowes and James Jefferies
170Not Just the TudorsSuzannah Lipscomb
171Our Ancestors Were MessyNichole Hill
172Parliament MattersHandsard Society
173Real DictatorsNoiser
174Real OutlawsNoiser
175Real Survival StoriesNoiser
176ResurrectionDane Stewart
177Sergei & the Westminster Spy RingCarole Cadwalladr and Peter Jukes
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180The Martyrmade PodcastDarryl Cooper
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191Your HistoryThe Times