16 Sunsets
Antica Productions
"16 Sunsets" is a captivating 10-part podcast series that explores the dramatic history of NASA's Space Shuttle program, crafted by the award-winning team behind "13 Minutes to the Moon." Hosted by renowned space storyteller Kevin Fong and featuring music by Christian Lundberg from Hans Zimmer's Bleeding Fingers Composers' Collective, the series recounts the birth of the Shuttle era through the eyes of those who built and flew it. Read more
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Our take on 16 Sunsets podcast
16 Sunsets takes you back to NASA's space shuttle days, and it's super exciting! Kevin Fong, the host, mixes fantastic otherwordly music with real stories from people who were part of it all. Ever wanted to know what it was like to work on a space shuttle? You will hear about it first hand. From the shuttle's first big launch to all the amazing but tough moments that came later, it's here. You'll feel like you're part of space history, right from your home. 16 Sunsets is a history podcast by Antica Productions. Producer
Antica Productions
Antica Productions
Kevin Fong
Kevin Fong
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
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Big Ideas Lab
The Cows Are Mad
Human Intelligence
The Telepathy Tapes
The Rest Is History
Hidden Brain
American Scandal
REDACTED: Declassified Mysteries with Luke Lamana
Letters from an American
Lex Fridman Podcast
Something You Should Know
American History Tellers
Behind the Bastards
True Crime with Kendall Rae
You're Dead To Me
The Ancients
The Duncan & Coe History Show
American Homicide
Hollywood & Crime
Unfit For Service
The Quilt
The Rest Is Classified
History's Greatest Conspiracy Theories
Next Comes What
Sleepy History
Mag Hags
Rumble: Ali/Foreman and The Soul of '74
Fall of Civilizations Podcast
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