Because Mom Said So
Known as the Original Dance Moms, Melissa Gisoni, Holly Hatcher-Frazier, Kelly Hyland and Jill Vertes are not shy about sharing their opinions, stories, laughs and advice related to motherhood, womanhood, and anything else they encounter in life. Never strangers to conflict, joy, tears, and triumph, these women have raised their children in the public eye and have shared over a decade of friendship. Read more
Because We Said So 03/28/2024 00:49:17Benign Neglect 03/14/2024 00:59:48
Dance Life (feat. Cassie Bartho) 02/29/2024 00:46:49Rumor Has It 02/15/2024 01:03:56What's Out and What's In 02/01/2024 00:58:01 Show all episodes
Our take on Because Mom Said So podcast
Fans of Original Dance Moms should recognize the golden group consisting of Melissa Gisoni, Holly Hatcher-Frazier, Kelly Hyland and Jill Vertes. However, they should also remember that this group of friends does not keep any opinion for themselves. If you are a fan of these women, then you're in luck. In Because Mom Said So, they will discuss a wide variety of topics related to their fabulous lifestyles and what it's like to raise their daughters. Discover the day-to-day emotions, the joys and the fears of these celebrities, which have grown and changed since you saw them for the first time on the television screen.Audioboom
Melissa Gisoni, Holly Hatcher-Frazier, Kelly Hyland and Jill Vertes
United States

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