Trapped History
Trapped History tells the stories of the forgotten – of people who have been ignored by the history we’re taught in school. Read more
Hall of Fame Special: Who Would You Add? | Episode 30 11/14/2024 27:53The Animal King: Frank Bostock and the Magic of Circus | Episode 29 09/20/2024 36:34
Hall of Fame: Seventy-Five Letters 09/13/2024 02:30The Missing Holes: Agent Zo and the Women of the Home Army | Episode 28 09/06/2024 42:32Hall of Fame: The Meaning of Memory 08/30/2024 15:08 Show all episodes
Our take on Trapped History podcast
Trapped History with Carla and Oswin is a weekly half-hour dive into the lives of the unsung heroes of our past. Each episode brings to light the stories of individuals overlooked due to their background or beliefs. Carla's passion for the undiscovered and Oswin's dedication to honoring these legacies make for an engaging listen. Their third season opening episode features Jeremy Corbyn discussing Charlotte Despard's multifaceted activism, offering a fresh perspective on the less-known figures who've shaped our world. It's a must-listen for anyone eager to connect with the hidden threads of our shared narrative. Trapped History is a history podcast by trappedhistory.trappedhistory
Carla and Oswin

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