History of the Second World War
Wesley Livesay
History of the Second World War is a weekly podcast which will cover World War 2, beginning with the tumultuous years after the First World War, continuing into the descent into war during the 1930s, through the war years, and then into the post war aftermath. Read more
Our take on History of the Second World War podcast
Every week Wesley Livesay covers the history of the second world war step by step and chronologically. He not only goes through the conflict itself but also looks into life before and after the war.
The show begins with the troubled years witnessed shortly after the first world, where Livesay takes an enthusiastic approach towards life in that era.
He then goes into the early years of the Second World War and the final years of the conflict in detail.
Wesley Livesay also covers the post-war aftermath concisely without leaving out any critical point.
Wesley Livesay
United States

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