Oh What A Time...
CBW Productions
It’s time to embark on a journey through history with "Oh What A Time…" a comedy history podcast hosted by renowned comedians Elis James and Tom Craine along with award winning podcaster Chris Scull. Tackling a brand new subject each week, (from ‘childhood’ to ‘a life at sea’, ‘marriage’ to ‘holidays’) your hosts will dive into the very weirdest and worst that history has to offer, in an effort to answer the question… "Was the past as awful as it sounds?"Listen to Oh What A Time... Read more
#89 Cancel Culture (Part 1) Today (01/27/2025) 00:33:52#88 Space (Part 2) 01/21/2025 00:34:56
#88 Space (Part 1) 01/20/2025 00:35:41#87 Milk (Part 2) 01/14/2025 00:28:27#87 Milk (Part 1) 01/13/2025 00:35:27 Show all episodes
Our take on Oh What A Time... podcast
Oh What A Time... is where humor meets the past in a brilliant way. Elis James, Tom Craine, and podcast pro Chris Scull are your guides. Every week, they pick a different theme from history, digging up the weirdest and most shocking events. They're on a mission to find out if the old days were really as bad as we think. It's a mix of comedy and learning, where nothing is too strange or rough to explore. Oh What A Time... is a history podcast by CBW Productions. Producer
CBW Productions
CBW Productions
Elis James, Tom Craine and Chris Scull
Elis James, Tom Craine and Chris Scull
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
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Listener reviews
Kate - 10/28/2023
Chilled pub chat vibes- but with genuinely very funny people! Brilliant podcast - well worth a listen. As a history grad working within the grey horrors of corporate administration I listen to loads of history podcasts to perk up the day. This is my current fave! Makes history fun and accessible. Looking forward to the next series!
Chilled pub chat vibes- but with genuinely very funny people! Brilliant podcast - well worth a listen. As a history grad working within the grey horrors of corporate administration I listen to loads of history podcasts to perk up the day. This is my current fave! Makes history fun and accessible. Looking forward to the next series!
Craig Thomason - 08/23/2023
Nearly killed me..Well worth it. Made the mistake of listening to this whilst in the gym. Had to stop after I laughed so much I dropped a dumbell on myself about 3 minutes in. I now have to pause it during sets in fear of my life but what a brilliant podcast.
Nearly killed me..Well worth it. Made the mistake of listening to this whilst in the gym. Had to stop after I laughed so much I dropped a dumbell on myself about 3 minutes in. I now have to pause it during sets in fear of my life but what a brilliant podcast.
The Dollop
Historical Homos
American Filth
Past Perfect
Scumbags Of History
An Old Timey Podcast
History Hyenas with Chris Distefano and Yannis Pappas
Evil Genius with Russell Kane
Bad Manors
Do Go On
Our Ancestors Were Messy
The Joe Rogan Experience
The Weekly Show with Jon Stewart
My Victorian Nightmare
The Rest Is History
Not Gonna Lie with Kylie Kelce
Breaking History
90s Baby Show
Mo Gilligan's Spotlight
The Upshot
Pack Your Bags
Not Today, Pal with Jamie-Lynn Sigler and Robert Iler
Growing Paynes
First Dates: The Podcast
Military History Plus
Stay Free with Russell Brand
Rattled & Shook
I Beg Your Pardon
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