Somethin' Else, Sony Music Entertainment
While traveling through Europe on their honeymoon, newly-wed influencer couple, Karlie (Jessica Plummer) and Tre (Ben Hardy), notice an almost identical couple is following them and posting the same content - imitating their photos; same poses, filters, and tags. Read more
The Chilling True Story of Terri Hoffman - Mysterious Deaths and Dark Deceptions 12/09/2024 00:08:441. Where the Day Takes 2 04/03/2023 00:38:06
Introducing... TAGGED: 8 Countries, 2 murders, 1 million witnesses 03/24/2023 00:02:43
Our take on TAGGED podcast
Tagged spans eight countries, involves two murders, and has a staggering one million virtual onlookers. In this social media thriller, newlywed influencer duo Karlie (portrayed by Jessica Plummer) and Tre (played by Ben Hardy) happily go on their honeymoon across Europe. However, they soon realize that a strikingly similar couple is shadowing them, replicating their posts, from the poses and filters to the hashtags. As their quest unfolds, the couple finds themselves trapped in a double murder interrogation and uncovering a cult targeting influencers. TAGGED is a drama podcast by Somethin' Else / Sony Music Entertainment.Somethin' Else, Sony Music Entertainment
Jessica Plummer and Ben Hardy
United States

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